Apuntes de inglés/English notes

Blog destinado a recopilar el máximo de apuntes de inglés e intentar ordenarlos de la manera más útil posible...

Blog destined to compile as much English notes and trying to order by the most useful way possible...

By Raül Montejano Gutiérrez; Twitter @raulmontejanogu

jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

All and Whole


It's usually followed by singular nouns which can be counted, singular countable nouns. 

For instance: The whole car, the whole month, the whole world

!!! Before place names we usually use “THE whole OF”.

For instance: The whole of Barcelona, The whole of America


It's usually followed by plural nouns and by nouns that cannot be counted, uncountable nouns. 

For instance: All the children, all the people, all the dialogue

!!! Be careful with the word order: "ALL the" "The/A WHOLE"


They are sometimes possible in some common time expressions. Also with some words depending on the sense you want to give them.

Examples of time expressions: All the week / The whole week. All the morning / The whole morning. All the life / The whole life

Examples of some words and expressions. ALL THE it means the contents. THE WHOLE it means the continent: All the office (the people working within the office) / The whole office (it means the building)

!!! ALL almost never loses “the”. For instance ALL Europe.

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