Apuntes de inglés/English notes

Blog destinado a recopilar el máximo de apuntes de inglés e intentar ordenarlos de la manera más útil posible...

Blog destined to compile as much English notes and trying to order by the most useful way possible...

By Raül Montejano Gutiérrez; Twitter @raulmontejanogu

sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2011

First conditional: if+present, will+infinitive

Use if + present, will + infinitive to talk about a possible future situation and its consequence.
If I miss the bus, I'll get a taxi.
She won't be angry if you tell her the secret.
What will you do if it rains?

The if clause can come first or second. I'll come if you like, or, If you like, I'll come.

!! You can also use the imperative or can.
If you miss the bus, get a taxi.
If you miss the bus, you can get a taxi.

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