Apuntes de inglés/English notes

Blog destinado a recopilar el máximo de apuntes de inglés e intentar ordenarlos de la manera más útil posible...

Blog destined to compile as much English notes and trying to order by the most useful way possible...

By Raül Montejano Gutiérrez; Twitter @raulmontejanogu

sábado, 14 de enero de 2012

A review

A review provides the main events in the plot of a book, film or show. It also gives the reviewer's opinion. Look at the topic below. Then study the plan.

Topic (example)
Write a review of a book you have read or a film you have seen recently.

Opening: The name and the type of a bookor film, the author/director, the main characters and the description of the plot.
Body: Writer's opinion on various aspects of the book or film, good points and bad points.
Closing: General recommendation.

Useful language
It tells the story of ...
Its hero/heroine is ...
The film starts ...
It is set in ...
special effects
suprise ending
You won't want to miss ...
You'll love reading ...
Well worth seeing/reading
I highly recommend ...
Don't bother/waste your time ...

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