Apuntes de inglés/English notes

Blog destinado a recopilar el máximo de apuntes de inglés e intentar ordenarlos de la manera más útil posible...

Blog destined to compile as much English notes and trying to order by the most useful way possible...

By Raül Montejano Gutiérrez; Twitter @raulmontejanogu

miércoles, 4 de enero de 2012

The writing process

Step 1: Brainstorm for ideas.
- Write down all the ideas you can think of.
- Don't worry about whether the idea is relevant.
- Don't worry about grammar or spelling.
- You can write in your own language.

Step 2: Organise your ideas.
- Decide which ideas to keep and cross out the others.
- Group similar ideas together.
- Organise the groups according to a writing plan.

Step 3: Focus on language.
- Think of words and expressions you will need in your work.

Step 4: Write a first draft.
- Write your first draft on the computer or by hand. If you are writing by hand, use a pencil. Leave wide margins for notes.
- Leave space between lines for additions and corrections.
- Write quickly. Don't worry about neatness or accuracy.
- If you can't think of a word in English, write it in your own language. Look up the word in a dictionary later.
- If you can't spell a word, write it any way you can. Then check the word in a dictionary or use a spellcheck when you have finished.

Step 5: Check your work.
- Use the Writer's Checklist down this page to improve your work.

Step 6: Write a final draft.
- If you are writing by hand: copy your corrected work neatly onto a clean sheet of paper.
- Use a pen and leave a margin on the left-hand side.
- Make sure your paragraphs are clearly indicated.

You can indicate the beginning of a paragraph by:
- Indenting, moving the first word of the paragraph to the right.
- Skipping a line before beginning a new paragraph. Each paragraph begins at the left-hand margin.

Writing Checklist!!

- Organisation:
I organised my work according to a plan.
Each paragraph has one topic.
My paragraph are clearly indicated.
I used suitable connectors to link my ideas.

- Content:
My work is interesting and original.
I began with a suitable opening sentence.
I presented my ideas clearly.
I included only relevant ideas.
I supported my ideas with details and examples.
I ended with a suitable closing sentence.
I used connectors to link my ideas.

- Language:
My grammar/spelling/word order/punctuation/capital letters/adjectives are correct.

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